
What is Story Marketing?

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What is story marketing and why does it matter?

We are motivated by stories in all their forms. By connecting the dots in our own lives to form meaningful plots, we can understand and explain the world. Our emotions are heightened by exciting, resolving stories.  

Story Marketing

To help people agree and understand the challenges that your company addresses on a deeper level, story marketing uses storytelling to connect with audiences on an emotional level.  It is an effective plan for businesses to stand out in competition. Jerome Bruner, a psychologist, found that when tales are used to convey a point, people retain them 22 times better than just facts and data.

Another Harvard Business Review study found that personal connections are a key factor for measuring brand loyalty and future value to customers. When a brand connects with a customer on an emotional level, they are more likely to offer it.

But how do you go about doing story marketing? Is there a recipe for success, too? In this piece, we’ll examine the successful use of storytelling in marketing and lay out an effective approach that anybody can apply to develop their company’s narrative.

What is Storytelling?

Storytelling is simply the skill of presenting a message in the form of a tale. A story is defined as “an account of fake or actual people and events told for entertainment.” A compelling tale may help businesses make their point entertainingly and memorably.

What distinguishes a compelling tale that promotes your brand from a weak one that will be rapidly forgotten?

It needs a relatable identity of story marketing first and foremost. The character might be someone real (such as a founder, influencer, or brand ambassador), or it could be a made-up persona that the business uses to set an example. To do this, we create fictional characters for our posts on marketing funnels.

Story Marketing  Explanation

Building several reliable storylines to position your company over time is known as “story marketing.” Your company’s culture, experience, and your clients’ challenges are all significant themes in the tales you tell. You can create a sincere bond with your target audience through story, character, and building action.

Story marketing is important because it helps clients understand your identity and basic values. Customers are more likely to trust you with their business if they feel like they know your brand.

Story-Marketing for gaining trust

The greatest method of gaining their trust is to show that you truly care for them. Views may be changed via storytelling. For example, there’s a potential that your view of an organization in particular can change if you learn more about its history and basic values.

When done well, story marketing continues to be one of the most powerful strategies used by companies to draw in customers and communicate marketing messages.

Brand values and personality

Before doing anything else, you have to understand what your brand stands for. Even though you already have a sense of it, story marketing by bringing your team together may help you establish your shared understanding before you begin any storytelling activities.

A brand’s personality is defined

You may establish a stronger bond with the people you serve if you have a well-defined personality. Additionally, it could reveal interesting particulars and secret brand features that you can afterward point out in your marketing.

Using the Brand Symbols Framework shown below will help you define each feature. Which pattern most closely reflects what your clients want may be identified.

Brand principles and goals

Define your brand’s values and purpose in the following stage. You may create tales that underline the key objectives of your brand by having a strong understanding of these components.

Brand ideals: 

These are the top four or five values that define your business and make you stand out from the competition. Your brand’s ideals have to be clear and simple. Performance, Desire, Integrity, and Diversity are just a few examples of Adidas’ listed brand principles.

Brand objective: 

This is a brief description of the exact value you provide to your clients. As a perfect example, Patagonia, a company that promotes outdoor living, states that its mission is “to build the best product, cause no harm that is not needed, and use business to protect nature.”

Important components of story marketing

Your story has to be told now that you are clear on your personality, beliefs, and purpose. Here are the three components that every engaging tale must have in store marketing.


  1. Create a plan

Before anything else, you have to set your company objectives and make sure that your tales support them. If you skip this, you’ll still have great content, but it won’t affect your bottom line.

Why do you do this?

Think about the thoughts or emotions you want your audience to have after hearing the story you told. Your end objective can be to attract more organic traffic, improve your thought management, or increase your income. Whatever your objective, make a note of it along with any available resources that may help you in achieving it.


  1. Be real

In connection with this, you have to verify the accuracy of your stories. As the phrase goes, companies need to walk the walk as well as talk the talk. Anything else will come out as controlling or worse, planned. Therefore, stories must be truthful. 

Stability should also be a goal. Your target market is supposed to anticipate specific communication from your brand and be ready to learn more. This will significantly increase your audience’s level of trust and connection with them.

Why do you do this?

Consider your ideals and goals. This stage will enable you to understand how your own experiences affect the mission and objectives of the company.

Your brand story also depends on knowing the history of your business. Who founded the business and what was the first idea? What challenges have you overcome and what significant achievements have you achieved thus far? You’ll be able to keep your stories on topic if you keep all of this in mind.


  1. Find a hero

Stories need to come alive on the paper. You aren’t going to hold anyone’s interest if you don’t have a unique tone and personality that translates into the story you tell.

Making sure your audience can imagine themselves in the role of your story’s “main character” or “hero” is one way to do this.  The message will be more powerful if people can identify with the deed.

It’s time to compel your viewers to take action once you’ve got their attention.  When your audience understands the significance of your tale and the course of action you are advising them to follow, this must happen at some time.

Why do you do this?

All types of paths lead to good stories of story marketing. However, The Hero’s Journey is a well-known story theme. Because it provides exactly what viewers want, it has become a top story structure and is frequently used to organize science fiction, fantasy, and horror stories.

The “hero” character is first called to adventure by an event. After an issue or action, a solution or reward occurs.


  1. Create your own story

Now is the perfect time to craft your brand story with all the information gathered in one place. This narrative serves as a powerful explanation of your business’s purpose, outlining your goals and demonstrating how you help clients tackle their most pressing challenges. By weaving in social media marketing trends, your story becomes even more relevant, aligning your services with the dynamic changes in the digital landscape. While there’s no strict word count, aim to keep the story concise, between 200 and 300 words. Ensure it is useful across all departments, from human resources to sales, marketing, and public relations, so that it becomes a unified message throughout the company. Incorporating this story into human resources materials, sales strategies, marketing content, and public relations efforts will strengthen brand consistency and resonate with your audience.


You will have all you need to create your own amazing story once you have the information in your control.  Our free booklet gives you access to:


  1. Your brand story marketing may be created using this 6-step template (which also covers the hero’s journey and brand values).


  1. Guidelines for defining the foundational elements of your storytelling approach


  1. Links and information graphics that may motivate you

Create an emotional connection with your target audience by employing story marketing to stand out, attract more long-term clients, and more.


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